I needed some curtains for my little girls room but wanted something cute. Curtain shopping is really tedious and at times frustrating. I couldn't find anything that I absolutely fell in love with. I happened to be shopping around at Joann fabrics and found this fabric. I fell in love! to top it off, had a 40% off coupon, and a 50% of coupon so I bought this beautiful flower fabric and a polka dot one to match.
I took my paper tape and measured it across from one side of the trim to the other. I also measured it from the top of the trim to the very bottom. My window measured 43.5" high and 37" wide.
I had 1 yard of fabric that was 44 inches wide so thankfully it was perfect since I didn't measure before I bought my fabric.
I didn't have to cut my fabric because I wanted the width longer, and after I hemmed it all up, my length would be perfect too.
First, I folded one side over 1/4 of an inch. I didn't iron this down, I just eyed it all the way. If you prefer to iron, that's fine. After I was done with that side, I folded it over again another 1/4 of an inch and sewed it all the way down. I did all 4 sides just like this.
I used some extra fabric I had to make the casing for the curtain rod. I measured from one side of the hem to the other then added an inch.
For my casing I measured down 2.5 inches and my length ended up being 43".
After I cut my casing, I ironed both ends in 1/2 an inch and 1 side 1/4 of an inch.
I measured down 2 inches because I wanted a little ruffle at the top. I used my fabric marker to mark all the way across.
I put the side of my casing that I didn't fold down on the line just made. Following along this line, I sewed it all the way across.
The top of the curtain is on this side
After I sewed down that whole side, I flipped the casing down and sewed down the side we ironed down earlier.
I know the picture didn't turn out well, but here it is all done. I love how it turned out!
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